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  1. Replacing Factory AM radio with aftermarket stereo?

    Hello, I am having a trouble deciding what kind of aftermarket radio to put in my Truck.I've been looking at Retrosound and Custom Autosound radios, as they are modern technology but maintain the factory "classic" look. Are either of these products better (ie: quality of build...
  2. Fuel Lines

    Hey guys,I am replacing the original tanks (rusted out) on my truck and I am stumped as to what to do for the fuel lines. I am stuck between running stainless/aluminum tubing (comes in a roll) from the tanks to the pump or stainless steel braided hose from tanks to pump. I'm looking for some...
  3. Hello

    Hello everyone, My name is Bryce and I've recently joined Ford Truck Fanatics. I am a student going to the University of Alberta, studying mechanical engineering. I've grown up around cars and engines my entire life, but never had the chance to rebuild my own.Finally my time came this past...