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Backwoods boy
watched that video! and it was awsome.... and i think it was both :p
reps for that


Tennessee Chapter member
Well, I'd have to call stupidity too, wish i had that kind of money just to burn up!


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Pure stupidity...

You would have to do that in 4-wheel drive to make qualify as FUN!

x2...if all 4 were spinning, I'd say fun as hell...but in this case, the guy seems to have more wallet than brains. Lots of money being wasted there...but to each their own. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for burnouts, and have been known to lay a set of parallels in my day, but I think anything over 30 seconds of burning is just a waste...and they have to be compensating for something.

On edit: Just went back and watched in more detail...I can't believe what kind of stress that guy is putting on his parts...those brakes are gonna be shot now, and I bet his dshaft fell out after they finished filming that video.
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Charter Member
I don't have a problem lightin' em up now and then, but what he did was just plain stupidity. Stripped a bunch of miles off those tires, harder than hell on the rear brakes (and the rest of the drive train). But I do hope he wore those tires out-of-round so he can *feel* the consequences of his fun when driving, as well as glazed his rear brake shoes and hopefully warped the drums so it pulses and vibrates when he uses the brakes :D

*I've been known to do a "Rockford Files", as in going down a road at 30something and doing a 180 on demand. Thank God I got past that.
It looked way cool, and if it was a junk truck, then I would be more inclined to do it, but that was a little overkill. Don't get me wrong, im gunna show this video to every one of my friends, but it was a waste


Florida Chapter member
I suppose it'd be fun if I had that kind of disposable income from mommy and daddy like he does....frickin privelaged SOB.People like that are what makes a cop be more of a dick than he was already born to be.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
I suppose it'd be fun if I had that kind of disposable income from mommy and daddy like he does....frickin privelaged SOB.

Ain't that the truth...I get sick of seeing all the kids here on campus getting $50k cars from mommy and daddy, when I'm struggling to get a radiator and a bolt drilled outta my fund is depleting and other money is allocated elsewhere. Must be nice to be a trust fund baby.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Ya want to buy the in take of me for that 351?

You talkin to me Dan? If so...I think I got a couple other things in the works right now, but if not...I'll give you a holler.

1985 Ford F-150

Country Boys Can Survive
Tooele, Utah
Yes sir 50 bucks and its yours. If I ever do anything with that motor ill probly just throw on an edelbrock. I broke a tap off in the cast manifold for the 390 in the thermostat housin so dont feel too bad about a bolt I break them off in heads all the time.

1985 Ford F-150

Country Boys Can Survive
Tooele, Utah
Ive broken at least two off in every set of heads ive messed with that werent re done and cleaned up with new bolts every time theyre on the top luckily and the machine shop has no problem gettin em out and not buggerin up the threads.

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