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gunning for Ryan's title


Ford Parts Guru
Colonel Flashman can tell y'all about spray can paint jobs. He painted his Merc pickup that way. He was over here recently...we spent the better part of the day rubbing out the paint. He painted it years ago, and it had faded to the color of an old barn. I asked him where he had it painted (it's red, btw). He said, he did it himself..with spray cans. Have to admit, he did a damn fine job. He did most of the polishing work, and used two cans of DuPont white polishing compound. It came out great.
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I have seen pics of his old Merc. It didn't look bad. I knew it was faded, but didn't know it was rattlecans.

This is better than it was, until I can get the rest of the supplies I need. I have almost all of the tools I need. Sandpaper, body shop supplies and good quality paint are expensive!!!

Anyway, those panels are sealed now. That is important as Ryan pointed out.
Well...I have had a really rough week at dialysis. They started using the needles in my "fistula" now. I have been coming out in a wheel chair and sleeping the days in between. I have not done anything to the truck.

Tonight when mom brought me from dialysis (their house), dad insisted I come out and supervise him working on it.

I had some "piece work" to do for mom tonight, so I am staying here.

Instead of sitting down supervising, he needed me to help. We did all the measuring for the new lines and stuff. It is on paper now. We also got the new brake light switch mounted. That was a chore unto itself. We had to remove part of the carpeting to get to it. The carpet is/was glued down well.

I am having doubts that it will be drivable for the show though. :(
All the brake lines are formed now. It was too easy with the help of Tom's tutorial. YelloThumbUp

I need a few fittings/adapters to bolt it all together. The master cylinder and one side of the residual valves are larger for some weird reason. confused

I will clean the new lines well and clean the old line fittings. I need to bleed the master and then bleed the whole system.

I have not run the vacuum line up to the intake yet. I will need a "T" or something up there. I will "cross that bridge when I get there".
Ouch! We were getting some work done Sunday until....I stepped on a nail and drove it into my foot.

I am fine. No infections or anything. I got a tetanus shot this morning though.

All of the brake lines are in and tight except one that had a different fitting on it. Grrrr....

The clutch is adjusted up.

Some of the oil leaks might be slowed down (tightened oil pan)

I have some more sanding done. I have the front turn signal lights apart to replace the lenses.

The spare wheel I just received is like a archaeological dig. It was a dark red primer color on the back. The front was a red similar to the original ford red, then green, then black. It is all flaking off now. It needs a lot more sanding before I rattlecan it.

I planned on getting a lot more done yesterday, but I am not supposed to be on my foot much.

I do have the fitting I need for the brakes. I have the vacuum hose.

Everything is on hold again unfortunately. :(
Just a little rusty nail. There was only about 2 1/2" of it sticking up out of the plywood. :eek:

My shoe will leak now when I step in water is what has me worried. :rolling laugh:

Anyway, the vacuum line is ran to the intake. Dad put a "T" in and the vacuum wipers are hooked there too.

Dad bench bled (under the truck) the master cylinder tonight. He hooked up the rest of the lines and found a small leak. A fitting just needed to be tightened.

I am not sure when we will start bleeding at the wheels. Sometime later this week.

The brake light switch (original) is in the line and wired in as well.

The steering box leak is the next thing to look at after brakes.

The show is coming up too quick for these things to keep happening. :headbang:
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Yeah, I have... but we aren't talking CHEBBY's now, are we?
no chebby's allowed in this thread. 'hah'

I have brakes (I think) now. Dad bled the brakes tonight for me. I am pretty weak from dialysis, so mom pumped them for him. I just sort of sat there in a lawn chair. confused

They didn't start the truck, so I don't know how the power part works yet. I couldn't drive it yet with my foot anyway. Stupid nail!!!:headbang:

Next will be to try to find and fix the steering box leak. It will have to wait though. I will be in springfield at 7 am Firday (a few hours from now) to get 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed. Plus two more pulled.

I am trying to get everything done to get on the transplant list. It is just bad timing with the show coming up so soon.
She definitely has brakes now! I played with it in the yard. I am still on the pain meds, so dad drove her on the road. He locked up the tires once. :rolling laugh:

She still needs work, but its a good start. No visible leaks so far.

Next is coolant, oil, steering box, lights, wiper arms.......and the list goes on.

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