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Texan Drawls for begging of '09


FTFS Designated DRINKER!
Navy I think he told me...


New York Chapter Leader


New York Chapter Leader


New York Chapter Leader
21B ???? I thought about them, but figured Scouts would be more fun. lol

12 B i took that cause i could have fun blowing chit up
Right, like I said it was a close 2nd, Scouts just seamed like a Jack of all Trades type deal. (right up my ally) Master of None

We is both right, they changed it. MOS 21B had the alphanumeric designator of 12B prior to fiscal year 2004. ..
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Texas Chapter Leader
Well since my chapter has been dead lately, i figured i should get to work, on bringing it up so it can be as great as the great state of texas...
So guys lets bring our chapter back alive shall we?
Has anybody heard from connie?

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