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C6 leaking bad


Georgia Chapter member
Think it might be the main seal leakin.
The seal ain't that high, but I got quotes
from two macanics to drop the tranny and
replace the seal and o-ring

Quote #1-$450

Quote #2-$380

'wtf' I could maybe see that if it was a manuel, but for the
C6 it seems like a awful lot for the amount of work involved.

If I had a transmission jack I'd do it myself.


That's how we roll!
Sounds reasonable to me. Borrow, rent, or buy a trans. jack to save some money and do it on a weekend or something.
Don't know about you guys but that's -many days- of bring home pay for me!

Transmission jack? :/
We dohn need no steenkeen transmission jack! :/

You ain't got a hole in your floor? :) (want one? ;)
(E4OD ~230 pounds, the first bathroom scale I put it on... it mashed the
-holy crap- clean out of it and no kidding!) (C6 etc is much lighter)

Even without a hole you could do it if you wanted to, you know it? ;)

Make a big enough hole to do the job and re-cover it and it'll be there ready
for next time when the stinkin' automatic transmission goes belly up on you
again. And it will too.

But if you are up to the challenge, do yourself a favor and make yourself a
pair of these, but don't do like I did, make one like a 1/2" to 1" shorter than
the other...

Here they are in action, that ZF slid into place with one push of the foot...

...on my back, on cardboard from Costco, and one old foot, no kidding. LOL :)

Retired dumb railroader in AZ
ps- Fix it yourself. It ain't your truck if someone else fixes it and no, I don't
care what the title sez. :)
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Georgia Chapter member
I see that hole in ya floor, but wats that chain rigged to up top?

(this is before I looked at your last two links
so you may have already answered this)
whats keepin the tranny from rollin to the side?
I see that hole in ya floor, but wats that chain rigged to up top?
Engine hoist...

Used to do that with blocks and boards from underneath and
sometimes by myself but then up and got me an engine hoist. :)

With a helper, a hoist isn't needed, just use ropes, you lift and
they take-out or put-in blocks and/or boards as needed. Easy.

whats keepin the tranny from rollin to the side?

You mean the boards? That gray thing under it is the bottom of
a certain type of washing machine that has a solid base in it,
just add rollers. ;) Got two more of them since then.

They work great but not needed.

Determination and attention to detail is all that's needed.

Get information here or where-ever on how to replace the seal
and/or determine what the heck is wrong with that leaky piece
of crap errr... I mean automatic transmission. Might be more
than just a seal. And that you might could use some help from
the mechanics on?


At first I wondered why you'd think pulling an automatic should
be cheaper than a manual but I guess you're including clutch
and flywheel work in that?

Manuals kick butt, drive it home with the clutch shot if needed.

Alvin in AZ
ps- That engine hoist has worked out real nice and been well
worth the $112 or so I gave for it. Used it to pull a 390FE for
$200 that would have been more $ without it. Lifted windmill
heads that I then drove under, or out from under, etc.
It's been a real back saver and not just -my- back neither! :)
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That's how we roll!


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Build a cradle out of 2x4's and adapt it to a floor jack...and use ratchet straps for some extra security. Or rent one...around these parts you can get one for $17/day. That said, if they're gonna charge that much, I'd just go ahead and ask for a full rebuild. Most quotes I got for a stock C6 rebuild were between $6-800.


Georgia Chapter member
Build a cradle out of 2x4's and adapt it to a floor jack...and use ratchet straps for some extra security. Or rent one...around these parts you can get one for $17/day. That said, if they're gonna charge that much, I'd just go ahead and ask for a full rebuild. Most quotes I got for a stock C6 rebuild were between $6-800.

I'm purdy sure the trannys been rebuilt within
the last couple a years by the previous owner
(he went through the truck purdy thouroghly
to my knowledge) but being $6-800 fer a rebuild
I just can't see paying $400 for him to just drop
the tranny.

Gonna drop by harbor freight next payday and see
what I can't find to do the job. Thanks fer the ideas fellers


Georgia Chapter member
ps- That engine hoist has worked out real nice and been well
worth the $112 or so I gave for it. Used it to pull a 390FE for
$200 that would have been more $ without it.

Where'd you find that rig at?
Where'd you find that rig at?
Pep Boys. :)

Same stuff as Harbor Freight. :/

Being close to a big city like Tucson I see guys selling hoists and
engine stands for about half price all the time on Craig's List.
Used 'em once and then sell 'em or something like that?


Do you already have a hole in your floor?

Just between you and me and the fence post, if it were mine and
it didn't have a hole and cover, I'd get a cover and cut a hole. :)
The idea being it'd make it easier for me to work on in the future.

Did the same with the radius arm rivets and a few other rivets.

YMMV on that craziness? ;)

Alvin in AZ
Just the small one where 4wd shifter sticks through
Got access to a replacement hole/floor cover?

Either way, a guy can do it from underneath, just seems like more work
to me. YMMV


I figure the pros do it from underneath because it's quicker for them to
use a transmission jack and lift than to mess with the carpet and seat.

Then there's the metal cover to unscrew and un-glue and put back too.

Since I don't have those tools, taking out a bench seat in 2 pieces and
carpet makes the work easy. The pro doesn't care about the fact that
while the carpet's out it can be vacuumed using a house vacuum -and-
a bunch of other things can be done while it's all apart like Dynamat.

Copying the pros' "do it in a hurry" methods doesn't usually work for me.
They just care about doing only the one-job hired to do and that's it.

Alvin in AZ


Georgia Chapter member
I could build a cover panel, I just don't know if I want a hole in my floor


Georgia Chapter member
Nah, just bare floor, no carpet or nothin.

I just called my uncle who has a shop and
a cherry picker says I can use, and I have
plenty of bottle and shop jacks and straps
and chains at my disposal, just wish I had
a little more knowledge bout what i'm doin.

If I could just drop in the T18 I want, then
the whole problem would be solved
...just wish I had a little more knowledge bout what i'm doin.
You are fixin' to get your wish pretty dangged quick. ;)
Just do it, no big deal.

Your uncle owns a shop and you aren't familiar with the process?

If I could just drop in the T18 I want, then the whole problem
would be solved
Cool, I'm all for a T-18 swap! LOL :)

You got a clutch pedal, flywheel and Z bar and all that stuff tho?

Alvin in AZ


Georgia Chapter member
Cool, I'm all for a T-18 swap! LOL :)

You got a clutch pedal, flywheel and Z bar and all that stuff tho?

I could get my hands on em, only thang is, I would like to have a junk trunk
to slave parts off of rather than buying all the parts, reason being, I hate to
start on something and then find out that i've got to order parts half way
through that I didn't count on and/or make hundreds of trips back and to
the parts house while I'm workin.

Time is the biggest deal, I don't have alot of it. So when I get started on
something, if I don't finish it when I thought I would, the project will sit for
months at a time. Thats why I like to have everything I need there on hand
before jumpin in to anything.

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