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diesel guys--this is for you


Staff member
When referring to a diesel runaway, technician a says that you can shut off the motor by closing off air passages. Technician b says you can use a CO2 fire extinguisher in the intake to shut the motor off. Who's right? Tech a----Tech b-----both a and b-----neither tech
Halon gas, lol...

Technician A. I would reallllllly be leary of introducing CO2 via a fire extinguisher. That gas coming out is not just cold, but DANGED cold. I'd think you'd damage something.
If you close off the air intake, you take 1 of the 3 components for fire away. so "A" gets my vote.


Kansas Chapter member
I vote neither tech. Doesn't the fuel have some oxygen in it? Isn't that why it foams? Then I agree with Tom about the fire extinguisher. I think you gotta cut the fuel flow somehow.


Staff member
Back in tech school we used block off plates on the Detroits. Runaways don't always involve diesel, some will run on their own engine oil. Just be sure that your fingers are not under whatever you should place on an intake, that is if you like to keep your fingers attached...


Tech A is correct - cutting off air will shut a Diesel down. That's why Diesel sled pullers have an intake cutoff device. The throttle controls air intake hence engine speed.

Tech B - Not sure but since it's CO2, and that means two parts Oxygen, I would think that may make the situation worse! Unless it would freeze the intake air filter closed... not likely IMO.


Kansas Chapter member
Just curious, but that's not really possible on a 6.0 is it?


I must have lost my freakin' mind! :slap: 'smiliedoh'

Both Tech A and Tech B are correct.


Staff member
Hey Vince how 'bout the answer? You've got me curious now.
both----- you need to shut off the air to shut down a runaway (turn key off, the engine keeps accellerating). I saw a guy try using a workshop manual to shut off a 318 detroit. It sucked it into the intake, shredding it, and keep going. Block off plates are good if you have the time. The fire extinguisher will work as well, but it makes a mess.

Bob Ayers

North Carolina Chapter member
Durham, NC
My Mercedes diesel has a fuel shutoff on the injector pump, if it ever fails to shut down with the key.


Staff member
But that's the thing, runaways aren't just a matter of the injection pump. If somehow it got an oil leak into the intake, it can run on that, and you will have no control. It varies by engine as to whether that kind of thing is a risk or not though. The old Detroits had a common problem with being able to draw oil in if you did something wrong.


Staff member
The 6.0 had the injector issues, filling the oil pan with fuel. The level would get high enough that the crank would splash in the oil, kicking it up into the ccv system, and into the intake. Body shops had to be careful with 6.0 rollovers, fix the body, start it up, and away it goes.


I bet they come apart in a big way if you can't get 'em slowed down. I bet the noise would scare the heck out of anybody near a runaway as well.

Yet another great reason to have a CO2 extinguisher in the truck.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
My Mercedes diesel has a fuel shutoff on the injector pump, if it ever fails to shut down with the key.

Interesting... I'm used to tractors with a fuel shutoff right next to the ignition key, but I've never seen anything like that in a PSD. From this thread, I gather that not all runaway diesels are burning fuel, but it still seems like a fuel shutoff would be better than nothing.


Charter Member
When referring to a diesel runaway, technician a says that you can shut off the motor by closing off air passages. Technician b says you can use a CO2 fire extinguisher in the intake to shut the motor off. Who's right? Tech a----Tech b-----both a and b-----neither tech


You cut the air out of the fuel/air equasion, and no ignition.........

That being said..........The last engine I saw run away was a 399 got a big whiff of natural gas from a well blowing out and went to about 7000 rpm...........

Now I'm not sure that you CAN cut the air off completely, but I AM sure that if you give it a good dose of CO2, it SHOULD shut it down, as CO2 will not ignite, or support ignition......


Bob Ayers

North Carolina Chapter member
Durham, NC
Blocking the intake eliminates the O2 source, and also eliminates the ignition (heat) source.


Master Ford Tech
Tring to block off the air on a 6.0 run away isn't easy, use the Co2. We had one here that the turbo beaings/seals failed, started drawing crankcase oil in the turbo and burning it, truck ran wide open over 6000 rpm for 20 min or more untill it couldn't draw up any oil. Want to talk black smoke, couldn't see across the shop, had to evacuate the building, people on the highway crashing into the guard rails because they were too busy watching the smoke poor out of the shop. When it was all said and done, I put 8 injectors (the tips were melted) and a turbo on the truck and fired it right up, still running to this day.! smiliegitrdone


Kansas Chapter member
Tring to block off the air on a 6.0 run away isn't easy, use the Co2. We had one here that the turbo beaings/seals failed, started drawing crankcase oil in the turbo and burning it, truck ran wide open over 6000 rpm for 20 min or more untill it couldn't draw up any oil. Want to talk black smoke, couldn't see across the shop, had to evacuate the building, people on the highway crashing into the guard rails because they were too busy watching the smoke poor out of the shop. When it was all said and done, I put 8 injectors (the tips were melted) and a turbo on the truck and fired it right up, still running to this day.! smiliegitrdone
DAMN! All that and mine blew apart! Sheesh!! I'm claimin' Warranty!! smilietease

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