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How did your truck come about?


Hey fellas, sitting here looking at the past and thinking about how I came to have my current truck, When my wife and I got married 14 years ago, I owned a 79 F150 4x4 , with a 400 4 speed, I hauled everything you can imagine with it, including pulling a low boy, I even remember go down into a muddy holler with my 79, and a low boy on behind, and picking up a 76 F250 and bringing it up out of that nasty holler on the low boy, and the sound of the 400 as I torqued on her. Now I am not quite as young as I was then, but I have always loved the old 79 since. I owned it about another three years, and then it went to a friend, and eventually the junkyard, after I got rid of the truck, it was in pretty sad shape when I did, but I missed it. A feller that lives down the road from us about three miles, has had an old 79 for about 13 years now, it is the same color, engine, everything, etc, as the one I had. For thirteen years now I have stopped from time to time, and asked him if he would sell it to me, everytime the answer was, no I think I am going to keep it, about five years ago he bought a new Extended cab, 4WD Ford, and I thought here is my chance to get my truck, didn't happen, but now after 13 years I stopped by this spring and to my surprise he says, you know you have been after me for that old truck for thirteen years now, if you really want it that bad I will sell it to you, but it is just an old truck, it has been sitting in the field beside his house for two years unstarted. Needless to say, at that moment I said I'll take it, and I went home to get the money, and now I have put another 2500 into it, and I have everything new, now I am just waiting till summer to paint it, but my dream truck for 13 years is now mine, and I drive it everyday.
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Springfield XD-9
Eagle 1 makes some good spray cleaner..and if you want to polish them Mothers is good polish.
My truck came about when i was driving around bored one day saw a for sale sign on a beatup old 79. I bought it test drove it the same day before the previous owner had it it was a farm truck. The farmer was crazy he had it painted up like the general lee had a jump in his back yard which now explains why i have to replace ball joints lol.
bought my reg cab from the company i used to work for [took me 2 years of groveling] finaly sold it too me when the exaust fell off it and they didnt want to spend any$ repairing it bought my s/c from a farmer that had it since new and he got a 4 door cheby with a 5th wheel [covered the whole time exept when used] both were rust free un-molested originals


PA Chapter leader
central PA
After restoring several of my Dads trucks in my early teens . I bought a new 86 step side in 11th grade of school . It lasted 6 months that 300-6 only got 10 MPG.

So I stumbled ac-crossed a 79 Sandbox conversion Style side 4x4 351M maxed out auto cruise . With all stickers and little rust . Took 3months to change to black and beef up more.

I could smoke any stock car both off line and it would run 100 + all day long . I had it out west into Mexico . Ended up in drainage ditch in Arizona. And still drove to east coast home.

I traded it in 1990 for new F150 And guy tolled the79 endo 6 times. The motor is still in his drag car.

I get the itch everything I see one to build


ride'n on 35's
it was kind or strange how i got my 79. ive alway wanted another after selling my first one,but i just couldnt see spending the big bucks for one so i just kinda let the dream die. well this fall a guy from work was up my way(60 miles from his home) and called me to see if i could come give him a tow. i said ok be there in a few,when i got there it had a hole the size of a soda can in the oil pan!! i told him my place was closer to toe it to so he agree'd. later on he asked me what id offer for it and just outa the blue i said 50 bucks and he took it! so now ive got a 79 F250 supercab with an 8ft bed, its got a blown 400 and 4sp. i just got done rebiulding a 300 for it so when the weather warms up ill put'er together


The Token Canadian
Staff member
Bought a car to use as my second vehicle...didn't work out very went looking for a truck and found the 79 that I'm working on now.


Texas Chapter Leader
Dad bought mine, back in 01, Used it for several years. It got hit with a bridge beam on a 18 wheeler trailer, He bought his current dodge and parked the ford. I did alot of work to it and then bought it from him. I am 10k into the truck with out purchase price...


Flatheads Forever
I rolled my '75 Mach I and replaced it with a new '77 F100 that I drove for 176,000 miles until I traded it for my '86 4x4 - which I still have.

Missed the '77 enough that in '00 I found one on a dealer's lot and bought it for the kids to drive.... It's now in the pasture waiting for me to get off my butt and get it running.

The 73 F100 4x4 - one of the kids brought home and swapped to me for an old '82 Mustang. It's a project truck too!


We will Rise Again
My brother had bought my truck for $100. It was being used as a snowplow truck and was sitting in some trees for a long time. He decided he didn't want it and gave me a call. Until that day, I never even thought about restoring a truck let alone a 73-79 series.


ride'n on 35's
i cant believe i forgot about my bronco! well any way i came home from work one day and i had to get some parts from back in the junk row and when i went back there this cool lookin 79 bronco was in line with the rest of the junk! its got a 6" lift on 35's with whats left of a soft top. it took almost a month to figure out how it got there. a good friend droped it off because he didnt want to haul it 20 miles to the salvage yard. i have yet to figure out what im gona do with it tho,but for now it makes a good place to store parts

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