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Model As


Ford Parts Guru
1928/29 Model A.

Dear Santa,

The interior space is very tight in these cars, so don't go thru that "all you can" eat buffet line more than once!


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
The Model A club my friend belongs to has an average age somewhere north of 70... Many of the members have been forced to move up to the slightly roomier body styles, as it becomes increasingly difficult to fit into the car.

Selling a roadster for a coupe is common, as I recall (but I could easily be mistaken).
This is the other one that was in my life.



Ford Parts Guru
The Model A club my friend belongs to has an average age somewhere north of 70... Many of the members have been forced to move up to the slightly roomier body styles, as it becomes increasingly difficult to fit into the car.
I've wanted a Deuce since I was a kid, a Mustang would be nice, too...but I was too big for either of these cars by the time I was 12.

Dennis...that's a 1928/29 Roadster Pickup.


PA Chapter leader
central PA
Sweet . But to pricey for me. There is a A coupe where I keep my car . It was appraised at more than my first house . Ow I'd like one. They little small for me . I'd have to stretch cab .
You guys might enjoy the story behind this car and his Dad's toys.

I helped do the sanding and other prep work on the Coke Trailer.

Plus, The Dad has a 64 1/2 Mustang Convertible that I helped with some of the restoration process . He had 271 Hp 289 that he put in it.

Here is another I helped with plus his 37 Ford street rod with a Boss 532 or something.

The late Phil Cannon owned this one.

26-T with 428-6 pack.

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caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
A nicely restored closed cab pickup is worth maybe $12-14,000.

Some of the more valuable body styles can reach high 20's pretty easily.

There's always exceptions, too; those are just the sort of numbers I've seen for nice drivers.
I have never ridden in anything ford earlier than my truck. I rode in my cousins 36 cheby tudor coupe. Thats what he said it was anyway. 4 banger (babbet bearings), standard trans, Original upostery (was about half rotten, but no rips). That thing was stock down to the original spoke wheels.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
The man my friend bought his A from is always buying and selling them; he usually tinkers with them a little and then sells them as "restorable".

His personal car was an all-original '30 Sedan when we met him; paint, upholstery, everything but brakes, wheels and tires (redone for safety, as he drove it a lot). I believe he found an even cleaner sedan in a barn since then, but I haven't ridden in it yet. Some guys go for shiny, nicer than when it left the factory, but all-original cars are way more interesting to me.


PA Chapter leader
central PA
The day I first read this My buddy cut one up . There was nothing left just axles
And they well the front was trash . We saved axles and drive shaft R I mean drive axle .


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Well, he and I rolled the complete chassis out of his garage and started it last night.

The body's not done yet, but he wanted to make sure the engine was still running. It hasn't been opened since it was last running, but it's been swapped to a new frame that's all redone, and he's replaced some of the ignition/electrical stuff and put a new carb on it.

Took a little monkeying to get a fuel tank mounted above the carb (they're gravity fed), but once we did and got the battery charged up, it started and ran pretty well. Took a little while to burn off the oil he'd put in the cylinders to protect them, but once it stopped smoking, it was about as good as ever.

Hopefully the body will be back from the place that's redoing it was supposed to have been done a long time ago, now.


High-Steppin' Mo-Sheen
Sweeeeet, I don't know how I missed this thread before. I look forward to seeing more pic's. Must've been the "different" car of the bunch at HS.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Well, my friend hopes to have his truck done and driving by the fourth of July.

The body shop got all the welding, priming, and sanding done last week, and he's had the chassis done for... well over a year, according to this thread. He and I went down to the body shop yesterday and set the cab on the frame, and I went back today (he had to work) and did some more work. We're hoping if we do one more day of work, they'll be able to paint it, and then we can get it reassembled in a couple days once it's painted.

Somewhere along the line, the instruction to "fill all the holes" got a little corrupted, so the guy doing the work filled ALL the holes, even the ones that need to be there, so we had a bit of work to get all them punched back in. And since nearly all the structural steel in the bottom of the cab is new, there were a few (relatively minor) problems with the alignment of the body bolts, but we've gotten that mostly sorted out, too.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
It's not done, but he drove it home today.

Button up most of the little stuff tomorrow (tailight, finish roof/rain gutters, align the hood a little better) and it should be more or less done.

'Bout damn time.

I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow- no time today. Didn't even get to eat lunch, trying to get it done enough to drive home, so we could finish it tomorrow when the shop is closed.
Model As are really cool vehicles, I would love to own one. I love the color of that one in the first post.

Trucks are really handsome in blue. :p


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Well, for the first time in weeks (really) the sun is out today, so hopefully we can get some really nice pictures of it today once we get it more or less done.

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