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Rain Rain....

Dayummm raining real hard from here to St louis... all along the I44 corridor. TIme to set out the buckets again...
Rain? BJ keeps telling me about storms and rain up there. We rarely get any of the same down here. It was a hot sunny day here.
Collecting bath water?
Are you THAT unfamiliar with the concept? You are supposed to be using the indoor plumbing, not those desert mudholes...
we just had a storm go through....became a muggy SOB since. I'm sick of rain. yet it's better than snow.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Walked out of a store this afternoon, and thought "Huh...feels like we're gonna get some WEATHER!"

Sure was raining so hard my wipers couldn't keep up by the time I got home. Still is, since that was only a few minutes ago...


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Its gonna get HOT on Monday again Too!!!!


Uwasa Wahya

That's about where I am. that little cloud headed towards AR in that pic ain't nothing compared to what it took to do this.

That's just a couple hundred miles or less away from where I am. I've never seen rain like that in my life and thankfully I was headed in the opposite direction than Dolly's remnants. I didn't realize that it could still dump that much once it got inland.... *shaking my head*
couple years ago I was headed for houston and one of the hurricanes had it's remnants coming ashore... they stopped us at conrad and turned us back.
Whait I saw on the news that night, I was glad I was not there!
Its gonna get HOT on Monday again Too!!!!

GOING to? heat index over 104 thru monday expected; It was so danged hot and humid here the windows are fogged!


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Try workin on a 12/12 pitch roof with a red rubber coating on the plywood....I still have blisters on my knees from that hot stuff!
My last house had one... Did the tear-off on that (6 layers of crackers) with a tie-off system. not the red rubber tho. What brand is that? Night shades?

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