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Rob is 1 year old today!


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Happy birthday to the little rugrat...

(Count me in the camp that likes dogs BETTER than children, BTW.)
Happy birthday to the little rugrat...

(Count me in the camp that likes dogs BETTER than children, BTW.)

Dogs? What are dogs? We have two fur children...
Aww, cool Dog Chris and Trista, Happy Bday doggie. :)

My dog passed away last weekend... :(


Backwoods boy
yes you are!

Reading some of these posts reminds me of the time while we where camping this lady was pushing her dog in a stroller around the campground, and my dad was like "cute dog" she said "SHHHHHH!!!! IT DOESN'T KNOW IT'S A D-O-G!" we were like uhh....ok, bye! :hammer:
i would of died laughing right there. :rolling laugh:
I lit a candle, turned the lights off, and sang happy birthday to him. He loved it. Then I gave him his ice cream and he burped after he ate it (takes after his mama). Took him to the dog park and did the obstacle course. He did really well for his first time doing it :)

Makes me sad how old he's getting :'(


Rep whores make me sick
First off, Happy Birthday Rob!!
Woof woof bark woof!

Now, the siliness-

Our first child (Trista and I) is 1 year old today!! Happy Birthday Rob bigdance

He's looking more like you every day Chris. :p

'toetap' To some of us, dogs are nothing more than furry kids with bad diction. :)

Kinda like Ryan? :rolling laugh:


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Makes me sad how old he's getting :'(

Oh, come on...he's only 1.

Dogs don't really come into their own until they're about 3-4...when they get floppy and sleep on the couch with you almost all the time, but still have the energy to go out and walk or play as long as you want.

Sorry to hear about your dog, Conner. It's rough losing a pet. :(

F 150Cobra

"Wild HoRsE" Got Torque?
anything i can easely kick over my back fence =is not a dog
anything that bounces when it barkes = is not a dog
anything that scared of a running leaf = is not a dog

hahhaah kidding chris n trista!!

happy b day rob!!! come on over and play with Buster my rotwieler :D he;s nice:)


Tulsa, Ok
congrats chris/trista

Angel got her a little pickanese (long haired pug) IT is not a DOG....its a furr ball..


Canadian diisabled Yuppie
Robert is 1!?! Give him my warm regards. He'd be like a little warm mitten.

A month ago, ma told me she gave my dog, "Snow" away to a family 200km south. She's 4 years old. I didn't hurt, I never really attached myself to my trucks, dog ...

Is there a story behind Rob? such as being a gift from or other?



Post Whores Make Me Sick
Ehh... Story is that she guilted her ex boyfriend into buying her the dog, cuz he wasn't treating her right. He never treated Rob nicely-- always locking him in his cage when Trista left the house (they lived together). Rob hated him and peed on his stuff all the time. I was always loving to Rob so he took to me the way he SHOULD have taken to Matt, but Matt was a douche.

She broke up with him shortly after and the rest is history ;)


Canadian diisabled Yuppie
Oh my, the dog brought you together. Kinda like Trista's guardian angel.

Ask Robert, if he'll match me up?



Canadian diisabled Yuppie
Chris, I don't know, if calling someone a douche bag would be degrading? Considering where those things go... hahah

But congratulations, you know another french word, douche = shower. Douche bag = douche bag.

You're sandwiched between Trista and I, we'll make a frenchman out of you. Forget your spanish, Joseph, the 'King of Cuba' speaks very good spanish. I'll pick it up someday to speak his language.



gab-d a snaks
1) The dog belongs to Trista (haha relax)
2) I've seen the way you prep your back seat when traveling with dog...hmmmm
3) Whos posts a happy brithday to a dog???
4) Does anyone ACTUALLY care?
5) Anyone who DOES care is a weirdie
6) If the dog stays with Trista and you have no financial responsibility its not YOUR dog in the eyes of the court


Just my .02 'owned'


Post Whores Make Me Sick
1) The dog belongs to Trista (haha relax)
2) I've seen the way you prep your back seat when traveling with dog...hmmmm
3) Whos posts a happy brithday to a dog???
4) Does anyone ACTUALLY care?
5) Anyone who DOES care is a weirdie
6) If the dog stays with Trista and you have no financial responsibility its not YOUR dog in the eyes of the court


Just my .02 'owned'
Thanks CJ. Nobody cares about your .02 ;)

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