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The end of an Era...

Tom, I really wish the best for you in your new endeavor.....Good people deserve good things, and as far as I'm concerned, you deserve great things...Good luck buddy...
Well, my attendance here HAS been spotty, I know. I have tried on a few occasions to log in and my interstate host server was going gaga for some reason.
I have been running pretty steady, and find myself enjoying myself so much more! Many of my aches and pains have subsided and I have even found myself being a bit more interdependent with other drivers. I would have to hit the road so hard with ARC because of the product always getting out at the last minute that I had become a "lone wolf" of sorts, never stopping and chatting with other drivers or even giving much roadside assistance.
This is definitely a good move for me. I do miss my pickemup, tho...:rofl:
Pickemup... PICKUP. always called my old horse that from day one.
I am sorry... guess I didnt clarify. I am spending more time on the road, less at home. My pickup is at home, so I don't get to see it much, lol. I was home this past weekend but only for 24 hrs, and that was filled with taking care of the yard, putting my belongings in my new peterbilt, and getting my clothes washed. Inbetween runs here, tho, I do have time to read and write.. all good stuff.


Kansas Chapter member
Ok Tom. It's been a while and there's SUCH an opportunity here that I just can't pass it up!!
find myself enjoying myself so much more!
I'm not even gonna say it though, cause the quote, I think, speaks for itself. And for goodness sakes, in a Peterbuilt??

WELCOME BACK Ya Old Fart!! I've actually missed ya! Glad to hear you're doing better now. You really do deserve it.

Also, if you ever pull up down here and will let me drive that rig just so I can say I've driven one, PLEASE clean up the "enjoying myself" part first!!:rofl: :nana:
Actually, Todd, the quote DOES speak for itself! How else can you really be happy until you find yourself enjoying who you are?
well, I know YOU might have trouble... so we'll let it ride!
I'm sure there will be a time I'll get by there, and with the PETERBILT. (note the spelling. its really spelled that way :rofl:)
I have missed being here so much, tho... I think I'm addicted. And as for O'rattleban over there, he needs to find something else to gripe about. He's so testy ever since the great crash of '07, and '07, and '07, and.. well it's senseless to list them ALL...
See what I MEAN, Todd? He's obviously VERY unhappy with himself...
Either that, or since he put in notice at westlake he's realized He's lost his hardware.
he never forgets to ban me!!

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