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Update on my neck.......

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
I don't know if anyone remembers me talking about my neck, but I am seeing a new chiropractor as of today. I won't know for sure until Monday, but there is a chance I can get the curve back in my neck. From what I understood it all depends on how bad degeneration has set in and whether or not there is some infusing. Cross your fingers for me. It will be a lot easier and a LOT better on my overall health AND quality of life if it can just be fixed and then of course maintained.

Lesson here kiddies is if you ever get in a wreck and they say you have whiplash don't laugh it away, and don't settle for a one time settlement. It's not a joke and because I didn't know that 20 years ago I am paying the price literally as well as being in constant pain! Whiplash (as in my case) can take many years for the real pain to show up.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
Get better quick, Karen. I honestly don't trust chiropractors.

Thoughts and prayers with you ma'am.
Also I fully agree....NEVER EVER close a medical claim. Especially spine related. They come back every time and bite you in the ***..the end of your spine.


Kansas Chapter member
I've been seeing a Chiro for 16 years. I couldn't live without one!! So, I know how you feel Karen. Hope he gets things straightned out. Pun intended. :)

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Thanks guys! It's this or surgery in the future and well... I don't see myself allowing that. I just want to be pain free for once in years.


Pennsylvania Chapter Member
Karen I hope all goes well for you, I also hope that this Chiro works out for you, keep us updated and will pray for you too.


Clown of Death!
I got whiplash several years ago, and I know what you're talking about. Good Luck on your treatment. I hope it goes well.;)


Staff member
I survived for a long time before my back finally did fail by going to chiropractors. Now they still keep my neck going from a wreck I had a few years ago where I pretty much sideways kissed a power pole... otherwise, surgery is all there is, and if I can avoid another one, I will. Hoping for the best, Karen.

1985 Ford F-150

Country Boys Can Survive
Tooele, Utah
Hope it helps ya out there Karen. My cousin has this thing in his back that is always hurtin and theres no way to fix it but he goes to the chiropractors quite a bit and its really helped him out with the pain.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Thanks again everyone! :)

Roger, I hope like heck you don't have to have another surgery. Any kind of surgery is no picnic, but when it comes to necks and backs it's really hairy and scary.

The pain subsided a lot last night and I felt good. It's all back now and now I just realize how bad the pain REALLY is. Ugh.

I'll let you guys know what happens Monday!!
I'd like to clarify...I'll not endorse nor condemn Chiropractors. I have issues with the one I went to and want nobody think I like them or hate them...though I lean toward the latter.

I wish the best for you Karen with all my heart. Any relief is deserved. I see a post like Todd's seeing 1 for yrs and my "Oh crap" flag goes up. Not a shot at Todd, I think a ton of him.....just a back cracker is no replacement for a Orthopedic diagnosis and recommendations.

Todd I'm not disparaging your course of treatment or yours Karen.


Kansas Chapter member
I see a post like Todd's seeing 1 for yrs and my "Oh crap" flag goes up. Not a shot at Todd, I think a ton of him.....just a back cracker is no replacement for a Orthopedic diagnosis and recommendations.
As for me, years of loading and unloading mopeds and waverunners with no help caused much stress to my lower back. I have two bulged discs between L-3 and L-5. The Orthopedic diagnoses is surgery to fuse them all together.

I visit the Chiropractor when I need to. He does not tell me I need to be there weekly or anything. I had been going to him twice a week until I started working out. Since strengthening my back, I'm seeing him once a month unless I do something stupid at work which happens. He's been nagging me for years to excercise and strengthen my back and he was right, it's helping alot.
Todd...I meant no disrespect and I think you know that...I'm just not a fan.
I can show damage done to my spine by not only the bullet but by idiots telling me "I'll make you feel better, what Insurance Co. do I charge weekly..see you next Tuesday".


Kansas Chapter member
Todd...I meant no disrespect
Of course I know that Carl. :) Just telling my story.

I can show damage done to my spine by not only the bullet but by idiots telling me "I'll make you feel better, what Insurance Co. do I charge weekly..see you next Tuesday".
Even you know there are bad doctors and good doctors. It's not just that way with Chiro's, but ALL types of doctors. Case in point, the idiot that put 8 babies in that fugly chick. :rolling laugh:


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Chiropractors can be a great help. IMO.

A good chiropractor also knows that it's not the answer to everything, and will send you elsewhere if that's what you need. That said...major back surgery would be an absolute last-ditch choice for me. Scares the hell out of me...

(I'm rather fond of the "lay flat on your back on a flat hard surface" approach to back pain, a lot. My roommates think it's hilarious how much time I spend laying flat on my back when I'm working on my truck. I disagree...)

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Surprisingly, my back doesn't hurt often or even bad when it does. God, I just wish I could say the same for my neck. :(

I get what you are saying Carl, totally even. Your points are why I haven't seen one in a few years. It's just well... he's my shot at getting fixed without getting surgery. I also know he isn't lying about the shape of my neck because I saw the x-rays my MD took and I know how long I've been dealing with daily pain. If he can't fix me I HOPE like hell he knows someone who can. I really am at my wits end. I am only 40 and I don't want to go down now, ya know? :p

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