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Gone but not forgotten works now. All I saw was a "red X" before.

Healing takes time. You will never get over it completely (I never have), but life goes on and other things become more important. The pain fades over the years.


Charter Member
Through Tragedy Comes Triumph!

Remember that my friends.

Pain allows us to break down and grow stronger. Stronger in ourselves, in our life and in our faith. Without tests you will never truely know where you stand. I have been tested, and I know where I stand.

Psalm 23:4
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Most here do not know my life story..Someday ask and I will share. My whole life has been a walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

My path is clear, my faith is strong and not even the devil himself can obstruct the path of my walk with God!
Satan, the author of all liars, often tries to shake us loose from our foundations and has a crack team of demons poised to strike virtually every which way we may turn.
Standing strong, and rebuking those demons is a hard thing to do, especially for those demons Depression, Anxiety, Guilt, and Defeat. Do not let them in. recognize when they are at your door and turn them away. You are not a product of your past, you are wiser, stronger, and better in spite of it. What you are a product of, is the Creator of the Universe, created in HIS Image. This means you are royalty, my friend, and you need to have your heel ready to crush the head of the serpent who strikes at you. This is the essence of the walk of faith; Not blindly stumbling forward, but proceeding with purpose and confidence that the gates of HELL will NOT prevail against you, and yesterday is gone like the wind. Tomorrow will have its own challenges. deal with TODAY.


Charter Member
Well since I seen fit to drag you all into this here is an update from the homefront.

All is progressing nicely. She is still working on her plans to move, hopefully including getting a job and residence, but she keeps that info pretty close to the vest.

We have had a few speed bumps along the road but but we are getting along now. All the paperwork is filed and stuff. ALL of her stuff is out of the house and she now asks permission to come over and into MY house, just like a guest.

I am back at work after some time off and in full swing. Between work and "other" (figure it out) things my mind is no longer a vast wasteland of sorrow that it once was.

Remember it is not the results that God gives you through challenges, it is the journey.


Charter Member
Well since I seen fit to drag you all into this here is an update from the homefront.

All is progressing nicely. She is still working on her plans to move, hopefully including getting a job and residence, but she keeps that info pretty close to the vest.

We have had a few speed bumps along the road but but we are getting along now. All the paperwork is filed and stuff. ALL of her stuff is out of the house and she now asks permission to come over and into MY house, just like a guest.

I am back at work after some time off and in full swing. Between work and "other" (figure it out) things my mind is no longer a vast wasteland of sorrow that it once was.

Remember it is not the results that God gives you through challenges, it is the journey.

Keep swinging man and check in with us from time to time YelloThumbUp



Charter Member
A couple of days old but here is an update:

Well as the journey of this thread has come to an end here is one more update.

Today May 29, 2007 1126 PST I packed up Michelle's car and trailer for her, gave her a hug, wished her luck and she drove away to start her new life in Minnesota.

We had good times and we had bad times. We created two beautiful children that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

The end of this Saga? Only God knows for sure.

As for the kids and I? We move forward having no regrets for the past and anxiously look toward the future.


You Had to be There

Read the thead to catch-up glad to here that in the end everything worked out amicably. Lifes changes can be a real ***** at times, but remember that the does not kill you makes you stronger. New doors will open and things you never thought possible will come your way. Believe it or not you and your kids will benefit from this in a big way.

Remeber to keep on keeping on and to love and cherish your kids everyday. They are the greatest gift you will ever receive in life. YelloThumbUp


Kansas Chapter member
Aaron, I'm so glad to hear all is progressing forward in an friendly way. Keep us posted and don't loose contact. We're here for you in any way we can.

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